Recommendation Dashboard for Report Writers

Students can send teacher recommendation requests within their BridgeU account so, in addition to completing reference letters, you may be asked by one or more of your students to write a letter of recommendation. For more information about the difference between Reference letters and Recommendation letters, take a look at this help centre article: Reference letter vs. Recommendation letter 

You will receive teacher recommendation requests via email to complete and submit to the student’s advisor. The advisor will then be able to submit the recommendation on behalf of the student in support of their university application. As a Report Writer with an existing BridgeU account, read below to learn how your recommender dashboard works and how you can track recommendation requests and their progress. 

As a teacher with an existing Report Writer account, you can log into BridgeU to access the teacher recommendation request list in the separate Recommendation Requests tab located at the top of the page.

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Navigating your dashboard

You can edit, complete and submit recommendation requests as well as view the status of each recommendation within one place from the Recommender dashboard

Click Fill out form when you are ready to complete the recommendation. Complete the required details on each page, and click on the section titles on the right-hand side of the form when you are ready to move on to the next section. It is important to ensure that you complete all relevant fields in each section. 

You can also Save the form and return to complete it at a later time if you wish. 

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If you upload a letter of recommendation in the Written Evaluation section, please ensure that the file is a PDF, less than 2MB in size and is NOT password encrypted. 


After submission

You can resubmit the teacher recommendation form with changes, as long as the student’s advisor has not already actioned your submission. You can check if your submitted form is editable for resubmission in the Action column: the green View/Edit form button will be available. 

If your submitted teacher recommendation has a white View Submission button, you cannot make any further changes to your form for resubmission. In this instance, we recommend that you contact the student’s advisor to let them know of the changes you wish to make. 

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Next, take a look at: How to write a good Letter of Recommendation

If you have any questions, need further assistance or have some general feedback for us - we’d love to hear from you! Contact our Support team via Live Chat and by emailing

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