Manage your BridgeU account settings

Your Account settings hold your personal BridgeU details such as your name, email address, school and graduation year. And, in this section, you can also reset your account password and change your contact preferences. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to access and edit details in Your account


How do I access my Account settings?

Login to your BridgeU account and click on the round pink icon with your initial on the top right-hand side of your screen. Select Account Settings from the drop-down options to be directed to Your account.


How do I edit details in my Account settings?

You can edit all the details available on Your Account except your school name and your graduation year. To edit all other details, click either edit, Reset or change next to the relevant field to make the change.

If you’d like to change the school name and/or graduation year, please contact your counselor about this.


How do I update my Contact Preferences?

To change your Contact Preferences, click on the change button and you’ll be able to select the contact option that suits you best.


How do I reset my BridgeU password?

Step 1: Click on the Reset button and a pop-up will appear, if you want to continue with the change, click Reset your password to confirm.

Step 2: A green banner will appear on the page notifying you that a password reset email has been sent Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 06.18.04.png

Step 3: You will receive an email from BridgeU Postman: with instructions. Click on change my password and you’ll be directed to a different page to add and confirm your new password. After this, the change will be confirmed.

If you cannot access your BridgeU account and need to reset your password, you can click Forgot your password? on the main BridgeU login page to receive a password reset email. 


If you have any questions or general feedback - we’d love to hear from you! Simply reach out to our Support team via Live Chat or by emailing us on: and we’ll gladly assist you further.

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