Your List Explained

Your List is where you can build, organise and plan the list of universities and colleges throughout your BridgeU university research journey, all in one place. Use this section so you can mark those universities you’re interested in and those you’d like to apply to throughout the application process.

You can add universities and colleges to Your list at any time during your university search on BridgeU. By clicking the Add to list button within a university profile, the university will automatically appear in Your list and you can review them at any time.

How to find Your List

There are two ways that you can visit Your List:

  1. By clicking the heart icon at the top right-hand corner next to Your Account
  2. By selecting Your List when hovering over the Heart icon.png icon on the main menu.

Start organising Your list

We recommend that you add 8-12 institutions to Your List.  When you’re ready to review the institutions you’ve added to Your List, you can start to organise them! There are 3 status options to choose from:

  • Shortlisted
  • Application started
  • Application sent

If you need to change the current status, you can select  Clear status and then re-select the updated status.

Once you start organising Your list, you will notice that your institutions will be categorised according to your selected statuses (as shown in the screenshot below). 

Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 15.12.06.png


Shortlisted: Having institutions shortlisted is a great start! Once you’ve decided that you’d like to further research an institution to potentially apply to, select the Shortlisted status.  Once selected, the institution will then appear in the Institutions you’ve shortlisted section of Your List.


Application started: How exciting! Once you’ve decided which institution you’d like to apply to and have started your application for it, select the Application started status. 

Once selected, you’ll then need to complete the on-screen instructions. It will ask you to type in the course you are applying for, the method you’ll use to apply and the deadline. Once you’ve completed this, the institution will move to the Institutions you’re applying to section of Your List.

If you are applying to universities or colleges via the Common App, these will automatically sync to your Institutions you’re applying to section in Your list when you Pair your Common App with BridgeU. Take a look at this article for information about Adding Common App Universities to Your List.


Application Sent: Once you have sent your application for the relevant institution, you can select the Application sent status.


Clear status: Select Clear status if you’d like to clear any previous status actions on the universities or colleges in Your List. Once the status has been cleared, it will revert back to the Institutions you’ve added section of Your List.


Deleting universities or colleges from Your List

If at any point you want to delete a university or college from Your List, select the trash icon found to the right of the university or college selection.


If you have any questions or general feedback - we’d love to hear from you! Simply reach out to our Support team via Live Chat or by emailing us on: and we’ll gladly assist you further.

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