University Profiles

We know that choosing the right university is an important decision. That’s why BridgeU aims to simplify this process by providing you with detailed information about universities all across the globe and help you make an informed decision on where to apply.


What are University Profiles?

University Profiles are individual pages dedicated to providing you with detailed information about the institution you’re exploring such as:

  • University overview (location, name, quick summary and more)
  • Course/Major options, where applicable
  • Entrance requirements
  • QS World ranking
  • Tuition fees
  • Selectivity

How do I view a University Profile?

There are multiple ways to view a university profile on BridgeU. You’ll find recommendations throughout your BridgeU experience to help you navigate those recommendations based on your answers. 

To make it easier to explore universities, you’ll find categories on your homepage and throughout BridgeU - here are some of the categories: 

  • University searches
  • Spotlight on…
  • Explore popular destinations 

You can explore universities through these quick searches, or you can start your own search from the Discover section on the main menu and choose Universities.

Wherever you’re at your university search journey on BridgeU, once you’ve found a university that you’d like to review further, click the pink View profile button next to the university’s details to open the university profile.

If you’d like to keep a reference of this university profile and revisit at a later stage, click the add to list to have a quick reference for the next time you are using and continuing your work on BridgeU.

You will see an Overview of the university and, where applicable, you can use the Courses tab at the top to view the courses and majors offered at that institution.

The amount of data we can show you about a university depends on the information that is available, but many university profiles can include videos, student testimonials, fee information, and website and social media links.

Entry requirements, including any English Language assessments, may also be listed, and for course-based universities, you can also see any specific requirements needed on the course information page.


How do I save a University that I like the look of?  

During your university exploration, you can save universities and courses by clicking on the university profile Add to List and will appear to Your List and can return to them later. 


Take a look at this article to learn more about Your list: Your list explained


If you have any questions or general feedback - we’d love to hear from you! Simply reach out to our Support team via Live Chat or by emailing us on: and we’ll gladly assist you further.

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