Reporting on interesting metrics through Analytics

Top Universities

Top Universities your students applied to

Tool: Analytics


  1. Head to your Analytics tool
  2. Export your application history to a CSV
  3. Once you opened the CSV, save it as an Excel file
  4. Filter your applications by graduating class, then copy the data you filtered, add a tab to your excel file and paste the data for relevant class to it. This will be your data set for the pivot table (see below);
  5. Add a tab to the file (name it something like "Top5_applied_to")
  6. In the new tab, you will have to add a Pivot table: Watch the video below to learn how!

Video: top applied to Universities



If you want to pull the list of top applied to Universities in a specific country, you can simply add a filter to your Pivot Table. 

Follow these steps: 

  1. Head back to your Excel file and to the tab where you have the relevant pivot table (in this example, "top5_applied_to")
  2. Click any cell of the table
  3. That should open up a right-hand-side panel where you can select the information you want to use for the table.
  4. In the upper left of this panel there is a "Filter" box. Click on "country" from the "field name" list above and drag it into this box
  5. You'll now see a new filter appearing at the top of the Pivot Table for "Country" and you can select the country that is relevant to you from the list. 


Top Universities by offers to your students

 Tool: Analytics


  1. Head to your Analytics tool
  2. Export your application history to a CSV
  3. Once you opened the CSV, save it as an Excel file
  4. Filter your applications by graduating class, then copy the data you filtered, add a tab to your excel file and paste the data for the relevant class to it. This will be your data set for the pivot table (see below);
  5. Add a tab to the file (name it something like "Top10_offering_Unis")
  6. In the new tab, you will have to add a Pivot table: watch this video to learn how to add a pivot table;
  7. This time, in the pivot table fields remember to put:
    1. "students" in the "value' field
    2. "University" in the "rows" field 
    3. and "University outcome" in the columns field.Screenshot_2020-07-06_at_3.21.36_PM.png
  8. Once you have created the Pivot table, remember to filter the columns to include only positive outcomes such as
    1. accepted
    2. conditional
    3. deferred 
    4. unconditionalScreenshot_2020-07-06_at_3.26.42_PM.png
  9. Filter the row labels as
    1. "descending"
    2. by count of student
    3. and to show only the top most offering Universities, select the "top 10" filter and then input the number of Unis you want to see (e.g. if you want to see the top 5, input 5 in this filter.Screenshot_2020-07-06_at_3.27.51_PM.png

If you want to pull the list of top universities by offers to your students in a specific country, you can simply add a filter to your Pivot Table. 

  1. Head back to your Excel file and to the tab where you have the relevant pivot table (in this example, "top10_offering_unis")
  2. Click any cell of the table
  3. That should open up a right-hand-side panel where you can select the information you want to use for the table.
  4. In the upper left of this panel there is a "Filter" box. Click on "country" from the "field name" list above and drag it into this box
  5. You'll now see a new filter appearing at the top of the Pivot Table for "Country" and you can select the country that is relevant to you from the list. 
  6. This will allow you to filter in or filter out specific countries from the data as you can see in the image below, which represents the top 10 Universities in the US by offers to our students:Screenshot_2020-07-06_at_3.46.42_PM.png


Top Universities by enrolment

Tool: Analytics


  1. Head to your Analytics tool
  2. Export your application history to a CSV
  3. Once you opened the CSV, save it as an Excel file
  4. Filter your applications by graduating class, then copy the data you filtered, add a tab to your excel file and paste the data for the relevant class to it. This will be your data set for the pivot table (see below);
  5. Add a tab to the file (name it something like "Top10_attending_Unis")
  6. In the new tab, you will have to add a Pivot table: watch this video to learn how to add a pivot table;
  7. This time, in the pivot table fields remember to put:
    1. "students" in the "value' field
    2. "University" in the "rows" field 
    3. and "Attending" in the "filters" field.
  8. Once the table has been created, select "Yes" in the filter "attending" to filter out all the Universities that students are attending. Screenshot_2020-07-07_at_5.34.48_PM.png
  9. If you wish to display only the top Universities attended, you can sort the results in the column with Universities names in descending order and show only the top 10 (or whatever number you wish) of attended universities.Screenshot_2020-07-07_at_5.51.38_PM.png

If you want to pull the list of top attending Universities in a specific country, you can change the above pivot table slightly.

  1. Start from the above pivot table on most attended Universities by your students. 
  2. Click on any cell in the pivot table to open the Pivot Table Fields on the right hand side;
  3. Move the "attending" field name into the "columns" field and add the "country" field name into the "filters" field;
  4. In the pivot table now filter by the country of your interest;Screenshot_2020-07-08_at_4.46.49_PM.png
  5. in the column labels select the filter by "attending" and then "yes" Screenshot_2020-07-08_at_4.55.49_PM.png
  6. in the row labels select the filter and then sort by "Descending" and then " top 10" (select the number of Universities you want to visualise in the list) Screenshot_2020-07-08_at_4.57.20_PM.png


Test or grades averages

Tool: Analytics


  1. Head to your Analytics tool
  2. Export your application history to a CSV
  3. Once you opened the CSV, save it as an Excel file
  4. Filter your applications by graduating class, then copy the data you filtered, add a tab to your excel file and paste the data for class in it. This will be your data set for the pivot table (see below);
  5. Add a tab to the file (name it something like "Average_grades")
  6. In the new tab, you will have to add a Pivot table
    1. In the pivot table fields select "students" into the "rows" field and whichever test type or grade you wish to investigate in the "values" column. 
    2. In the "values" field you want to click on the "i" symbol to select the criterium by which you want that information to be summarised. As we are looking into grade averages (or score averages) we will select "average". Screenshot_2020-07-08_at_5.40.14_PM.png

In the example above you see the average of IB predicted grades but you can, of course, apply the same procedure to other grades and scores of interest (such as SAT, ACT, TOEFL and IELTS). 

If you have any questions, need further assistance or have some general feedback for us - we’d love to hear from you! Contact our Support team via Live Chat and by emailing

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