This article will guide you on how to upload your student's SAT scores in bulk.
Once you have downloaded the correct .CSV file from the College Board website, you're ready to upload them to BridgeU.
Due to a recent change in SAT files provided by CollegeBoard, the SAT uploader will no longer work unless you add student emails into the file before you upload it to BridgeU.
Please follow the below steps BEFORE continuing onto Step 1.
- Open the downloaded file from CollegeBoard as an Excel file or Google sheet.
- Add a new column with the title "EMAIL" (this title must be in capitals).
- In the subsequent column rows, add each student's email address as listed on BridgeU.
- Please DO NOT edit any other fields in the file.
- Once complete, your file should look similar to the below screenshot example.
- Download the file as a CSV again and follow the guidance from Step 1 below to upload it to your BridgeU account.
If you need any assistance with your CollegeBoard SAT file, please reach out to us on live chat or email:
Step 1: Navigate to Settings and click on SAT Scores Bulk Import.
Step 2: Click "browse from your computer" to locate the correct .CSV file, or drag and drop it into the designated area to upload it.
Step 3: If the file is correct, we'll list the students' scores that will be imported. If we cannot match a name in the file with a student on BridgeU, we will mark it with a "!".
Step 4: For any unmatched records, you can manually select the correct student from your BridgeU account, or select Skip if there is no need to match. If you need to skip many students, you can leave them as "no student selected" for now.
When ready, select Confirm changes.
If you have unmatched records it will ask for confirmation that you want to skip them all.
Step 5: That's it! You can view a student's SAT scores from the Students section, by clicking on a student to bring up their overview, and navigating to the Scores tab.
If you have any questions, need further assistance or have some general feedback for us - we’d love to hear from you! Contact our Support team via Live Chat and by emailing
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