Setup ManageBac integration

To set up your ManageBac integration with BridgeU, you'll first need to create and add your ManageBac API. If you've already set up your integration and you'd like to import advisors and/or students click here to read the ManageBac import guide.  

Note: Please be aware that depending on your permission levels in ManageBac, you may need to consult with your ManageBac administrator to complete the setup.


Step 1: Logged in to ManageBac as an administrator, navigate to Settings > Integrations > Partners > BridgeU.

Step 2: Tick Enabled (circled in red at the below screenshot) to generate the API key and then click Save Changes.


Step 3: To add the API to BridgeU, login to BridgeU and navigate to School Settings in the left-side menu, then click ManageBac and paste the API into the textbox provided. Finally, click Save to activate the connection.

Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 08.43.42.png

Step 4: The ManageBac integration is now ready for importing advisors and students.

You can view the full article on ManageBac website

If you have any questions, need further assistance or have some general feedback for us - we’d love to hear from you! Contact our Support team via Live Chat and by emailing

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Next: Import via ManageBac

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