Teacher Recommendation Assignment Template

If you are applying to universities via the Common App, it is likely you will require at least one Teacher Recommendation letter.

  • These letters are requested via BridgeU by going to Decide on your main menu then select Teacher Recommendations. When you submit a request, your teacher will receive an invitation via email
  • Teachers then fill out the relevant Common App form and submit their letter of recommendation for your Counselor to submit to the relevant university or college.

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When you have multiple applications and/or multiple Letters of Recommendation, it's important to communicate your preferences to your Counselor regarding which letter should be sent to each University on your application list. This will help ensure that the right recommendations are sent to the appropriate institutions.

Use our Common App Teacher Recommendation assignment spreadsheet (attached below) to indicate your preferences and share it with your BridgeU advisor or guidance counselor.


Use our spreadsheet template or create your own like this example:

University Mrs Ahmed - French Ms Kupfuwa - Maths Mrs Brown - English
Boston University  
New York    
Arizona State    


If you have any questions or general feedback - we’d love to hear from you! Simply reach out to our Support team via Live Chat or by emailing us on: hi@bridge-u.com and we’ll gladly assist you further

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